5 Ways to Reverse Aging at a Cellular Level

Chances are that if you stumbled upon this page, you have questions about how we can reverse aging and recapture a more youthful appearance. But not only that. There is also the aspect of staying active and feeling better too. Obviously, if you are aging, you are aware of the aches and pains of getting older. Pains in the joints, maybe a surgery or two to repair something not functioning properly. I have had two, a shoulder and a wrist surgery. With this article I’d like to take a look at a few things that we can do to slow the effects of aging at a cellular level and ultimately add years back onto your life.

Feel free to ask questions or make comments and as always check out my other posts too for related information on reversing aging naturally. Let’s get started.

1. Smoking



If you are a smoker – STOP! If you’re not – DON’T START. That’s all there is to it. You’ve seen the ads. You’ve seen the warnings on every pack. You’ve seen the countless articles about the damage that smoking can do. If you are serious about reversing the signs of aging than this HAS to happen first. Smoking is a large factor for cellular damage.

No, I’m not here to shame you. I’m just educating you for the purposes of this article and by smoking you will be taking at least 10 years off your life. According to the Center for Disease Control smoking is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths every year in the US alone and it is the leading cause of preventable death. And according to the American Lung Association there are over 600 ingredients in one cigarette that can generate thousands of chemical when lit. 69 of those being linked to cancer.


Cigarette smoking ages your skin, causes more wrinkles, stains your teeth, add significantly increases your risk of cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular disease and COPD.

Click here to QUIT!



2. Lack of exercise


Most people do not get near enough exercise in their daily life. Physical activity has been proven to improve your health and give you a greater quality of life according to the CDC. They recommend at least 150 minutes a week of moderate activity to delay or prevent costly chronic diseases. This can be spread out through the week into smaller more manageable time frames. They also recommend 2 days to include activities that strengthen the muscles.

Inactivity can affect the heart, lungs, bones, brain, mood… and more. You get the point. Exercise will aid in the reversal of aging by delaying chronic illnesses, delay cognitive decline, alleviate depression and anxiety, and will add years back to your life. It will add to your bone density and prevent osteoporosis and bone breakage


Some activities to include would be walking, swimming, weight lifting, or gardening/yard work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk the dog, join and aerobics class. Anything to get your heart pumping and the blood circulating. Starting a fitness routine will add years to your life.


3. Poor diet


It’s not a secret that eating a balanced diet is good for your health, but Let’s talk about how a diet full of saturated fats and trans fat can accelerate aging. According to the Behavioral Nutrition Institute a poor diet can make you as much as fourteen years older in your “real age” than the average American. Inadequate nutrition can lead to anemia, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It can also lead to damage at a cellular level.

Maintaining a healthy diet is known to be one of the main influences for healthy aging. It is important to get enough vitamins C and E and minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc as they interact with free radicals and prevent them from developing. Calcium is also important for good bone health. A diet rich in nutrients, full of fiber, and low in calories can slow the pace of aging. 

See this article for essential vitamins and minerals.


4. Sleep deprivation

According to Sleep Foundation poor sleep can contribute to many health issues. Disruption in REM sleep makes it more difficult to recover from illness or repair our body. It can also change the body's circadian rhythm which regulates the part of the brain that handles hormones such as melatonin which is imperative for adequate sleep.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to anxiety, depression, increased inflammation, weaker immune system, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. In contrast, there are many reasons that can contribute to poor sleep like sleep apnea, medications, insomnia, and pain. You should pursue these with your doctor.

If you have problems sleeping it is recommended to try some of these activities and see if they help. Stick to a regular bedtime. Take a warm bath. Avoid daytime naps. Limit alcohol. Don't exercise within 3 hours of sleep. If you continue to have trouble sleeping see your doctor to explore some other options. Don't let it continue to affect your health. It can take 5 years off your life.

5. Stress


Stress is something that all people deal with. The problem comes when we don't have adequate skills to handle and control the stress. As you age you lose essential defenses to cope with stress and anxiety. When we’re physically or emotionally distressed, our bodies release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Chronic stress over the years can lead to an overload of stress hormones, resulting in harmful imbalances in the body. Excess stress hormones have been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, weakened immune systems, and memory loss. Stress also effects the body on a cellular level. Telomeres, which act as protective “caps” on the end of DNA chromosomes break down over time. Shortened telomeres have been linked to Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

The good news is that there are ways to reduce your stress levels so that your stress hormones decrease. Try getting good quality sleep, put on some music, meditate, go for a walk, exercise, or go swimming. Make time for fun and relaxation. Avoid stressful situations or connect with a friend. Talk to your doctor if you need other ways you can manage stress.


As you can see there are many things that can affect aging at a cellular level. The good news is that there are ways to combat the damage that is being done to your health. By implementing some common sense activities you can turn back the clock and gain back those years that were lost.


Thanks for being here. Feel free to read some other articles, try some links, and leave a comment below with your thoughts!

Thanks and have a blessed day!


I’m a 57-year-old Gramma of 13 grandkids!

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