Menopause for the Older Woman - Symptoms, Supplements, and Nutrition

Hi! Welcome to the discussion about menopause, symptoms, supplements, and nutrition. I am currently in phase two, so I wanted to start a discussion to learn some things and maybe even pass along some things that I have learned too. Leave a comment below for anything you’d like to know about, and we can explore the answers together. Sound good? Let’s get started.

What is Menopause?

The short answer is that Menopause is a natural part of the aging process when a woman transitions from childbearing years back to non-childbearing years.

The longer answer is that there are four stages of the menopausal transition: pre-menopause, peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause. . One of the first symptoms that signals this change is the gradual tapering off and ceasing of menstrual periods.


Everyone is different as to what symptoms you’ll get. Some women may not experience any symptoms at all while someone else may have them all. These symptoms can include hot flashes, night sweats, dry skin, vaginal dryness, inflammation, and loss of bone density. Some other common symptoms are loss of libido, insomnia, hair loss, weight gain, and mood changes. These can last for a few months or even years, depending on the individual.


The average onset of menopause is around 52-55, but like I said, it can vary greatly depending on hormones, hereditary, or your medical history. Let's look at the four stages of transition.

Pre-menopause begins at puberty with the first period and goes to the first signs of menopause in the fifties.

Peri-menopause is the onset of the symptoms listed above and the decrease of the menstrual cycle, which could last up to a year.

Menopause- This is the conclusion of the transition in a woman’s reproductive life. It’s the point where progesterone and estrogen production decrease, the ovaries stop producing eggs, and a woman is no longer able to become pregnant.

Post-menopause - These are the years after menopause. A woman is postmenopausal for the rest of her life.

A Change of Lifestyle

Due to the decrease in estrogen and progesterone the risk of chronic inflammation is greater. Women must take extra steps to reduce the risk for heart disease or bone loss.

That’s why an anti-inflammatory lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and an anti-inflammatory diet, along with key supplements will ensure that your nutrient needs are fully met. As hormone levels diminish during menopause, bone loss may occur and contribute to weak and brittle bones. So, ensuring you’re getting an adequate amount of calcium along with the other key vitamins and minerals that assist in its absorption is crucial.That means getting 1,200 mg of calcium from all sources (food and supplements) each day. Combining calcium with magnesium, vitamin D3, and vitamin K will ensure that your bones are getting all the nutrients they need.

Dietary Considerations

Many women gain weight during the menopausal transition and after menopause because metabolism slows. You may need to eat less and exercise more, just to maintain your current weight. The foods that you eat may make a significant difference on your symptoms too. Also, sticking to a diet may be necessary to make sure you are getting enough of the crucial supplements listed above.

It is recommended to incorporate a variety of vegetables, protein and calcium into your diet. The Mediterranean diet is a good all-in-one meal plan that focuses on lean proteins, whole grains and plenty of plant-based foods.

It’s important not to push your body too hard with any extreme diets though. Instead, find something that fits your lifestyle and includes what you enjoy eating.


Foods to Eat


Here are some foods to incorporate into your diet and how they can help: Calcium-rich foods like skim milk, soy milk, yogurt, low-fat cheese. You’re aiming for about 1,200 milligrams–1,500 milligrams a day to ensure your calcium is at a good level.


Try the Mediterranean diet here!


Eat your vegetables - Half of your plate should have green leafy vegetables so you’re getting all of that nutritional value. Not only do leafy vegetables help with managing weight, but they can also help with bone health. Veggies like spinach, turnips and collard greens are great sources of calcium. Other veggies to work into your diet are broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, brussel sprouts and kale.

In the protein department, you’ll want to focus on leaner meats and proteins to keep your menopause symptoms in check. This switch can help with weight management, but it also ensures you’re increasing bone strength and muscle mass at the same time. Good nutrition can help prevent or ease certain conditions that may develop during and after menopause.

Foods to Avoid

Avoiding food that may increase your body temperature like spicy foods, alcohol, or caffeine may also help. These may trigger your hot flashes, so shifting your diet can help with getting ahead of future symptoms too. Also avoid cayenne pepper, hot salsa and jalapeno peppers to keep your body cool as a cucumber.

Cut back on high-fat foods and limit saturated fat to less than 7% of your total daily calories. Saturated fat raises cholesterol and boosts your risk for heart disease. It's found in fatty meats, whole milk, ice cream, and cheese. Limit cholesterol to 300 milligrams or less per day. And watch out for trans fats, found in vegetable oils, many baked goods, and some margarine.

Use sugar and salt in moderation. Too much sodium in the diet is linked to high blood pressure. Also, go easy on smoked, salt-cured, and charbroiled foods.


Some essential supplements that you need to take are Calcium and Vitamin D. Vitamin D is absolutely necessary to help absorb the calcium intake. Iron is another nutrient that needs to be increased during menopause. Eat at least three servings of iron-rich foods a day. Iron is found in lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, leafy green vegetables, nuts, and enriched grain products.

Get enough fiber such as whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta, r



Other factors, such as a lack of exercise, unhealthy eating and not enough sleep, might also contribute to menopause weight gain. So, keep a good eye on your diet to stay at your desirable weight and you'll get through the transitions quickly. I incorporated these things in my own journey, and I can say that I feel 100 times better. My weight has stabilized, my cravings have leveled out, and my hot flashes have diminished. I plan to continue this new method of keep menopause symptoms at bay, so I'll keep you posted!! hahaha!


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Thanks and have a blessed day!




I’m a 57-year-old Gramma with 13 grand kids!


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